Friday, May 23, 2014

Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening!

Okay I know what you're thinking. Charcoal can whiten my teeth?! Crazy I know, but it works! This is an awesome way to whiten your teeth and they don't get sensitive! Activated charcoal is similar to common charcoal, To make activated charcoal, manufacturers heat common charcoal in the presence of a gas that causes the charcoal to develop lots of internal spaces or “pores.” These pores help activated charcoal “trap” chemicals. Activated charcoal is mainly used for medicine. It can help absorb poison and help with digestive issues. Externally though, Activated Charcoal is amazing for your skin. (I have a great face mask I'll show later) But right now I'll show you an awesome and easy way to whiten your teeth! I love whitening my teeth. I have spent so much money on whitening strips. 50.00 a box was so expensive and my teeth always got super sensitive when I used them so it was hard to keep doing it. I decided to find other ways that would do just as good to whiten my teeth. I came across activated charcoal and I started to look into it. Of course I had to try it! So first what you'll need is Activated Charcoal Capsules. I got mine at Natural Grocers in Logan. They just opened up by Al's. It was about 9 bucks. You also need a cheap toothbrush which you can get at the dollar store, toothpaste and a paper towel. First you'll open one capsule and dump  the contents onto the paper towel, then you get your toothbrush wet and dip it into the charcoal powder till it sticks to your brush. Then you brush your teeth like you normally would for about 3- 5 min. This part made me super nervous because my teeth were so black!!! I was quite scared that it wouldn't come off.. haha but I promise it does! :) after you are done brushing, rinse really well and then brush your teeth again with toothpaste to make sure you get all the charcoal off and voila!! You are ready to show off your pearly whites :) I would recommend doing this once a week or so to maintain! Yay!


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