Friday, July 11, 2014

Brightening lemon facial exfoliator

I've been slacking on my posts! So sorry! This exfoliator I am going to talk about has some awesome benefits for your skin and is very cheap! Exfoliating is extremely important. It helps break down dead skin to help the new healthy skin come to the surface. Exfoliating your skin should only be done once a week. You never want to over exfoliate because that could cause your skin to over produce oil and then your face becomes more oily. No bueno. This exfoliator you'll only need to use lemon and sugar. The lemon juice is a great product for your skin and has amazing health benefits. It brightens your skin, fades age spots and scars, helps acne, and helps to fight wrinkles. I use it all the time! Here are the steps:

Step 1. Pour about a tablespoon of sugar in a bowl and cut your lemon in half.
Step 2. Remove seeds and squeeze a little bit so juice comes to the surface.  (Helps sugar stick a little better) then dip the lemon in the sugar till it sticks

Step 3. Rub gently in small circular motions all over your face then rinse with warm water. Pat dry. ALWAYS finish with your favorite moisturizer! 

Hope you love this as much as I do! Have an awesome day!!!

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