Thursday, May 22, 2014

About me

Hi! My name is Courtney Wiley. I have wanted to do a skin care blog for a while, so I figured I'd start now! Here is a little bit about me. I am married to my husband Chris. We have been married a little over two years now! It's been great!  We also have a 15 month old girl named Harper. She is quite the busy girl. I love being a mom. I am also an Esthetician! (Skin care specialist) For as long as I can remember I have always been obsessed with skin care and makeup. I was always buying the newest products and trying the newest things. It never gets old! When I was in high school I wanted to go to cosmetology school so that I could do more with what I loved,  but doing hair was a little intimidating to me. That's when I heard about Esthetics and I started researching and learning more about it and I loved it! Right after I graduated high school I immediately got enrolled and started that fall! I absolutely LOVED school! It was so fun to actually be learning about things that I am so passionate about. After school I had a few Esthetician jobs here and there but now after having a little one I am mainly doing services for family and friends, but I would love to get in the spa setting again! Over the years I have been constantly learning and trying new things. I always love to find awesome things you can do on a budget, so that's why I started this blog so I can share my tips and tricks with you!! :)

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