Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Coffee Scrub

This is one of my all time favorite sugar scrubs! I love using sugar scrubs. They are an awesome way to exfoliate your whole body and also moisturize, but if you're like me. Sugar scrubs can be SO expensive at the store and they don't seem to last as long. So why not make your own?! Cheaper and so easy to make! The main ingredient in this specific sugar scrub is coffee. Coffee is amazing in sugar scrubs! I love the benefits coffee grounds have on your skin. The caffeine in coffee is a great use to fight the appearance of cellulite. It smooths and softens your skin, and also evens out the tones of your skin too!


1 cup of coffee
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of coconut oil
1/4 cup almond oil


I love fresh ground coffee but coffee in a can works just as well too!
•Mix coffee and sugars together well in a glass bowl.
•Add your oils and mix well.
•Store in air tight container.
I love using this in the shower while I have conditioner setting in my hair. I also love to use it right before I shave then exfoliate right after to get the rest of the dead skin. :) enjoy! It smells so good!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Coconut oil hair mask

This is something I do on a weekly basis. I love doing hair masks! It has helped keep my split ends down, increased my hair growth, and has made it super shiny and soft! Especially in the summer my hair gets dry and damaged so easily. This helps to keep it nice and healthy! You only need 3 things to do this:

•Coconut oil (I think Trader Joe's has the best kind)
•Hair clip
•Shower cap OR plastic wrap


1. Take about a handful of coconut oil. (You can use more or less depending on hair length and thickness)

2. Evenly saturate hair starting from root to tip.  (I think this works best when you bend over so your head is upside down)
3. After your hair is well coated, pull it up in a top knot or however you want to do it so it's out of your face and doesn't touch your clothes.

4. Put shower cap on OR wrap plastic wrap a few times around your hair so that all the hair is covered.

5. Wear for at least an hour to allow it to moisturize. You could even have it in your hair overnight to get deeper moisturizing benefits.
6. After you let it sit rinse hair with warm water and a small amount of shampoo to get the excess oil out.

Ta da! You're gonna love the changes you'll start seeing in your hair!  :)

Brightening lemon facial exfoliator

I've been slacking on my posts! So sorry! This exfoliator I am going to talk about has some awesome benefits for your skin and is very cheap! Exfoliating is extremely important. It helps break down dead skin to help the new healthy skin come to the surface. Exfoliating your skin should only be done once a week. You never want to over exfoliate because that could cause your skin to over produce oil and then your face becomes more oily. No bueno. This exfoliator you'll only need to use lemon and sugar. The lemon juice is a great product for your skin and has amazing health benefits. It brightens your skin, fades age spots and scars, helps acne, and helps to fight wrinkles. I use it all the time! Here are the steps:

Step 1. Pour about a tablespoon of sugar in a bowl and cut your lemon in half.
Step 2. Remove seeds and squeeze a little bit so juice comes to the surface.  (Helps sugar stick a little better) then dip the lemon in the sugar till it sticks

Step 3. Rub gently in small circular motions all over your face then rinse with warm water. Pat dry. ALWAYS finish with your favorite moisturizer! 

Hope you love this as much as I do! Have an awesome day!!!